A couples retreat for deepening intimacy and communication
This retreat is for couples only and is an invitation to totally immerse yourselves in a week-long, residential exploration of relating whilst time to rest and rejuvenate in good company.
Using a playful blend of self-inquiry, stillness, movement, paired and group work, we will tenderly uncover our fears, confusion and the outmoded strategies we've employed to survive being in relationship. We'll learn how to be true to ourselves whilst being with another, and then delight in the revelation that it is entirely possible to Be Me, With You. From here we can begin to enjoy all the juice and potential conscious relating brings.
The price also includes 7 nights accommodation, transfers and all meals. It does not include your travel to Bordeaux.
When: April 28th - May 5th 2018
Where: Chillac, France
How much: £1100 per person
Please read the small print here.
During the retreat you will:
- Explore patterns of behaviour that block your flow of love and connection
- Discover that communicating from your heart creates intimacy rather than distance
- Become more truthful with one another
- See how vulnerability and intimacy open the doors to sexuality
- Explore sexual polarity
- Discover what you really want and what you want in relationship
- Reconnect with your own endless stream of radiant love
- Discover the support of presence
- Laugh - a lot, and maybe cry, but that's all good!
Fill in the form below to register your interest.
If you have already registered please use the button below to pay your deposit, balance or payment.